Alopexian Philosphy

I am trying a more spontaneous journal off my main website at

Location: Bensalem, PA, United States

Monday, September 05, 2005

Labored Day

I finished the weekend by emptying the cans of resurfacer of the deck and the driveway. For the third night of the four, it's a nice night to sit out on the porch.

I looked up the internet to get the boiling point of spiropentane. It actually boils higher than regular pentane (39º vs 36º). Would a cyclic alkane be so strained to overcome lower boiling points as it approaches spherical geometry?

I finished the language tapes today, adding to the space in German with my notes from 1976. There must have been better techniques to learn any langugage. I thought of flash cards, tapes, and Mo Berg.
Medical physiology reminds me of highschool biology with Sister John Ann. There is so much to plow through in that review.

Mom had me up at 1:30 this morning to get Tim out of bed. I suppose we were quite active last night.

I had a thought of rewriting the old adventure in 1978, and calling it "The Case of Chris's Crisis". I have a later view of such a Chris from Dr Kao's lab in 1989: tall, blond, with scattered freckles.


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