Alopexian Philosphy

I am trying a more spontaneous journal off my main website at

Location: Bensalem, PA, United States

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Eugene McCarthy

My graduate advisor, Dr Robert K Murray, engaged in a forum back in October 1980 with Senator Eugene McCarthy, who just died: "A Perspective: The State of the Modern Presidency" at Penn State. I did not shake McCarthy's hand because he was still bitter about RFK's entrance into the race for the presidency in 1968 against Lyndon Johnson.
Dr Murray later told us in class -- at the time I was taking "America between the Wars" (1919-45) -- that he'd asked McCarthy why McCarthy waited until the last minute to endorse Hubert Humphrey in 1968. McCarthy still garnered a million votes in that election, which Richard Nixon won by a half million.
McCarthy told (third hand here) a story of when Lyndon Johnson took Humphrey out on his ranch to hunt deer. He tried to get Humphrey to shoot a docile deer. When HHH shot the deer, LBJ gave him a knife to finish the job. HHH couldn't do it, so LBJ slit the throat of the deer. Then he forced HHH to place the mounted deer in his office. McCarthy, also a Senator from Minnesota, was disgusted that HHH caved into LBJ over that incident, and he temporized endorcing HHH because of it. Every time McCarthy went into HHH's office, that deer head reminded him of how much HHH was tied to LBJ.

Tue 13 Dec
After a blistering summer, winter has started cold, -9º this morning. Last week, three snowstorms hit us -- the worst was Friday morning.

Wed 14 Dec
We feasted at Famous Dave's in the huge shopping arena on Grant Avenue across from Forman Mills (Philadelphia). I ate more meat than I usually eat in a week. I needed the fat this morning with temperatures around -11º. Wilkes-Barre was probably -15º and Mountaintop at -17º. Ah! Those days of delivering newspapers in winter remind me of those temperatures near -20º (5 below zero).
I may have opened a pandora's box with my participation in surveys, but I think it's time to take more risks, if not for the payoff, at least for the learning.
I continue my looksy with organic chemistry and linear algebra. I can't seem to find out what was so important about the nullspace. I also continue my Black courses online. I'm over halfway through the employe business expenses. I must finish all the online courses by the end of the year. I will have more time within a week.
I was up at 3 AM, so I added pictures from Christmas/New Year's 1970-71. I've used the same tree, ornaments, and light set for 35 years!

Thu 15 Dec 15:40
Another storm appraoches today -- this time snow which turns into rain. There will be ice with it away from the city. It was almost as cold this morning at -10º, again with little wind. Tomorrow should be warm enough to abate leftover snow.

Fri 16 Dec 14:50
I snoozed over a halfhour this afternoon, so I must have been tired. We received the same old bonuses today. It will help me slightly, and I should be able to avoid using the card the rest of the month, expect for possible presents. I must sell the disasters from last year! So ends my last Friday at my workplace in 2005!


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