Alopexian Philosphy

I am trying a more spontaneous journal off my main website at

Location: Bensalem, PA, United States

Monday, February 19, 2007

The Calm Before the Winter Storm

Tue 23 Jan
I spent the afternoon arranging the mailroom for the builders, which eliminated my sleeping place. I just finished in time to catch the wrong bus. I totally avoided Block on the way home.

Wed 24 Jan
Mike, the balding blond, ripped up the carpeting on the third of the floor where the cage will be. Meanwhile I took the dogbed outside to the van. I tried to sleep without success, although I feel rested. I went to bed early last night -- again at 9 PM.
After yesterday's physical challenge, my little left toe still hurts where the pallet jack almost rolled on it.

Fir 26 Jan
Philipp sent me an email the first time this year. I'll try to respond quickly.
Jerzees provides less in its bags this year.
Meanwhile, I tried again to sleep in the van, where it's too cold and bright. They put in the cages today, which missed the barbed wire, over where I used to sleep.
Beyond all of it, I don't like the big picture. I am trying to unlock organic chemistry thirty years later as a common crossword puzzle.
Last night I had two minor clients to make my night. I began to call clients from last year, and I began a notebook of clients similar to last year.

Sun 28 Jan
It's been a busy day. I've had four clients, and I'm nearly a c-note ahead net of draw. I bought muffins from Acme, and green tea, raspberry and free, to add to the food for us this Sunday. I arose rather last, nearly eight, and we gave Tim a shower. Last night he was on the floor when I returned home, because he'd slid out of his wheelchair again.
I keep going over in my head what I should be doing before tax season ends -- now eleven weeks away. Everything seems to be on hold for three months.

Yesterday morning I was checking online on my account when I discovered that a "Jessica Fusco" had a "bill" payment for $2200! I took our $2000 from my account to make the check bounce, I informed Wachovia that the check was stolen, and I deleted "Jessica Fusco" from my list of bills to pay.
Later I ran both spyware and antivirus overnight to reveal nothing. Chaning the password to my checking account appears to be sufficient to prevent further occurrences. Because there was no account, the check was issued on Thursday. Probably "Jessica Fusco" will attempt to cash it tomorrow. I checked the other account today, and there were no irregularities.

Last year I attempted to get some things done after tax season, and none went through. I joined DIG, without getting into real estate. I stagnated at Toastmasters. I didn't get anything else going.

Tue 30 Jan
I called for a New Deal on my accounts with Wachovia, because the defrauders probably have both numbers. The sad thought remains that I may have given them the access by updating my account. Everything should be back to normal by next week.
Tonight I will go straight home. Like 104 weeks ago, I stayed lated (10 vs 11), and I couldn't finish the return on the only time of the week I don't come in the next day.
The idea of my illustrating my own books has its appeal How Can I tap into that creativity?

Wed 31 Jan
I was contemplating the virtual adventures I had in schoolwork, and I wondered whether I could invent some kind of illustration with the kind of "fun". The reality that I have no purpose in life is existentially nauseating!
I took three chairs out into the mezzanine and snoozed some fifiteen minutes. I can't do yoga, for the truck driver is painting a section of the mailroom floor.


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